澳州–工商登記與相關服務 mel4ww
澳州主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 澳州墨爾本與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。
Melbourne time zone:
The Engaging Manager CA Lily Yan, 澳大利亞籍說中英文
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
澳洲公司登記及其相關服務 ELR
子公司設立 (永輝代號:ELR-SUB)
* Company Incorporation Process 公司設立流程: (不含特許登記)
1. Name Reservation 公司名稱登-向ABR申請
– We will check name availability with the Australian Business Registry (ABR).
– If available, we will complete and submit Form 410 to formally reserve the name. -The name will be reserved for 2 months after approval.
2. Application to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) 向ASIC申請
– We will submit Form 201 the company to the ASIC.
* Required Documents:
1. Proposed company names 擬註冊澳大利亞公司的名稱
2. Shareholder’s ID or passport copy, address, and phone number 每位股東的護照及現居住地址之證明
3. Director’s ID or passport copy, address, and phone number 每位董事的護照及現居住地址之證明
* Estimated Duration: 2-3 weeks大約2-3個星期
提供登記地址 (永輝代號:ELR-VRA)
* In accordance with Australia Companies Act 2001, company shall has a legal registered office in Australia to which all official government communications and notices may be addressed.
* The company registration requires a registered office address.
1. Evershine can arrange office to be your registered address.
2. In the initial period, it is a one-time charge for 12 months paid to house owner of the address.
3. After setting up, you can choose either to move out to your real office or continue to use the initial address.
4. If you choose to use the Virtual Registered Address Evershine provided, you have to pay the rental fee per year until moving out.
* Payment Terms:
1. When signing up company registration engagement letter, you have to pay the rental fee for 12 months.
2. After set-up, if you still use the Virtual Registered Address arranged by Evershine, from the 12th month after the date of signing up company registration engagement letter, you have to pay the rental fee per year.
3. Once you pay item 2 as the retainer fee, it will not be refundable.
安排在地董事-年 (永輝代號:ELR-YRD)
* 外資公司至少有一位在地董事。由於在地董事負有勞工、租稅、投資等相關法規之遵行責任,董事需了解公司營運狀況,僅在委託永輝作公司登記後的會計薪資服務ELA,永輝才能協助安排在地董事。
* In accordance with Section 201A of the Australia Corporations Act 2001, every Australian company shall have at least one director who is ordinarily resident in Australia.
年付公司秘書服務 (永輝代號:ELR-ACS)
* In accordance with Australia Companies Act 2001, each Australia Company must appoint a company secretary, who may be a natural person or body corporate but secretary must be resident in Australia.
* Secretarial services would be as follows:
1. Preparation and filing of the legal Annual Return.
2. Securely maintain company records and chop.
3. Liaise with Australia Government on behalf of our Client.
4. Legal filing of changes of company structure
工商政府規費 (永輝代號:ELR-GOV)
* 政府規費,包括政府部門收取的註冊費。
* Government fees would be as follows:
1. Company name reservation with ASIC.
2. Preparation of company deeds and articles of association.
3. Company registration with ASIC.
工商代墊請款 (永輝代號:ELR-OPE)
其它計時服務 (永輝代號:ELR-HCS)
網路銀行申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-IBA)
* 基本上,開戶者須親自出席至。
* 我們建議要設立網銀三個功能與角色︰製作者、檢閱者和核准者.
* 如果委任本公司作為貴公司的售後服務提供者,本公司的當地同事之一會被設置為製作者。
* 建議用戶端設立兩個銀行帳戶:
1. 第一種與母公司聯繫在一起,意味著有銀行子公司或分支機搆,所謂的「海外銀行帳戶」的國家。
如果貴公司在貴國有銀行子公司或分支機搆,可以聯繫他們做 KYC(Know Your Client)(瞭解你的用戶端)並將 KYC 檔發送到該銀行的子公司或分行。
2. 第二種是當地指定的當地銀行,所謂本地銀行之一:為了節省銀行收費,就必須有本地的銀行帳戶,用於支付雇員工資、費用、預繳稅金、加值稅、企業所得稅和法定保險和退休金等。
國稅稅務證號 (TFN) 申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-FTC)
* 稅務證號申請(TFN). * All businesses need a tax file number (TFN).
* Tax file numbers are unique numbers issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to identify individuals, corporations and others who lodge income tax returns with the ATO.
澳洲營業號碼 (ABN) 申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-ABN)
* An ABN is a unique 11-digit identifier that makes it easier for businesses and all levels of government to interact.
* ABN is needed to:
1. Operate in GST system, including claiming GST credits.
2. Avoid pay as you go (PAYG) tax on payments you receive.
3. Confirm your business identity to others when ordering and invoicing.
* Required documents for ABN application:
1. TFN
2. Legal names of the entity
3. Authorized contact details
4. Associates’ details
5. Business activity details
6. Business locations
GST 申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-GST)
* Goods and services tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in the indirect tax zone.
* You must register for GST if you run a business or other enterprise and your GST turnover is $75,000 or more (for non-profit organizations the threshold is $150,000 or more).
* If you run a business or other enterprise and your GST turnover is less than $75,000, registering for GST is optional.
Before your company import or export, you have to get this license. 要做進出口前,須申請海關進出口證。申請進出口憑證。
PAYG 申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-PAYG)
* 貴公司在聘請當地的員工前,必需辦好這項證號。
* As an employer, you have a role to play in helping your payees meet their end-of-year tax liabilities.
* You do this by collecting pay as you go (PAYG) withholding amounts from payments you make to:
1. Your employees
2. Businesses that don’t quote their Australian business number (ABN).
* A few things to remember:
1. You must register for PAYG withholding before you are first required to withhold an amount from a payment.
2. If you cease to be an employer you should cancel your PAYG withholding registration.
3. Before you enter into a work agreement or contract, you need to check that the worker is legally allowed to work in Australia.
4. PAYG withholding is different to payroll tax. Payroll tax is a state tax.
醫療保險證號申請服務 (永輝代號:ELI-MIC)
雇主需要申請workers insurance。 When accident incur which derive employees be disable or dead when in-duty, employer’s obligation will be covered by this workers insurance.
啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款 (永輝代號:ELI-OPE)
Melbourne time zone:
The Engaging Manager CA Lily Yan, 澳大利亞籍說中英文
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
柏林; 斯圖加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加羅爾;泗水;
永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
Evershine is local Partner of ADP Streamline® in Taiwan.
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